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WSTA urges two-year alcohol duty freeze to boost economy

Published:  23 September, 2024

Wine and spirit businesses are calling on the government to freeze alcohol duty for at least two years, arguing it will help offset declining revenues and support public finances.


Conservative Party members oppose wine tax hikes

Published:  09 August, 2022

According to new YouGov research, over three-quarters of Tory party members want tax on wine to be frozen at its current rate or reduced.


Sparkling wine premium could be scrapped in alcohol duty overhaul

Published:  19 October, 2021

Reports from the national press suggest that the premium on sparkling wine duty could be scrapped by chancellor Rishi Sunak in the upcoming Autumn Budget in a move which could bring sparkling wine duty in line with still.


SME distillers call for duty freeze to prevent the British gin bubble from bursting

Published:  12 October, 2021

Britain’s gin makers are calling on Chancellor Rishi Sunak to freeze spirit duty and extend hospitality’s VAT cut to alcoholic drinks to help boost British business.


SWA calls on government to continue duty freeze

Published:  10 September, 2018

The Scotch Whisky Association (SWA) has called on the UK government to support the industry at home through a continued duty freeze in the Autumn Budget.